Check Hard Disk for Bad Sectors

Hard disk bad sector is the most common problem and the disk is not safe to store data any longer. Bad sector will cause the important data loss and blue screen error sometimes, and even slow disk space. Macrorit Disk Scanner is a third party disk surface portable tool for scan disk bad sectors which provides you with better options and better performance than Windows native disk scanner.

With the fastest algorithm, this disk scanner free software usually could reach to the maximum speed that supported by the device. It is compatible with all recent versions of Microsoft Windows - both client and server, and supports major storage device types such as IDE and SATA HDD and SSD, SCSI, FireWire, hardware RAID, flash cards and a lot more.

Features in Disk Scanner

Scan disk bad sectors

Surface test on hard drives and you can define scan area

Mark bad sectors

When bad sectors/blocks are found, we mark them as red

Understandable logfile

Easy to find where are the bad sectors are in scan log

Portable edition

Yes, you can put Scanner into USB and Scan off-line Disks

Change Log

Version: 3.2.1
Version: 3.1.2
Version: 3.1.0

How to scan disk/partition/specified location bad Sector?

  1. Install and launch the Macrorit Disk Scanner, choose the disk you want to check.
  2. If you need to scan disk with custom check range, click the button "scan area" to specify the location.
  3. Click "Start Now", Macrorit Disk Scanner can start checking the bad sectors. Healthy sectors will be marked in green and the ones with errors will be marked as red.
  4. If you insert a new disk, click the "Reload disk" button, Macrorit Disk Scanner will update the disk partition information.
  5. If you choose the “Automatic shutdown after scan”, Macrorit Disk Scanner will prompt you to save the scan log path, the system will automatically shut down after the scan is completed, and automatically save the scan log.
  6. In the process, you can click “stop now” to interrupt the current operation at any time.