Extend VHD maximum size

by Jane / Fri Sep 14 2018

In the previous post, we shared how to create and resize VHD in Disk Management and Partition Expert, and also how to extend a VHD partition.

There are times that the maximum capacity of the VHD is not enough, extend a partition inside of cannot help, we need to extend the size outside it

Steps of extending VHD capacity

Since the VHD disk is considered as a single file, what we have to do is increase the file size, just like the VHDResizer does: copy the original file and set a larger size to it, but in a different way: we create the larger file first and then copy everything from the smaller disk. And that's the theory, simple and straightforward, right? Let's start

  1. Open Disk Management > Active > Create VHD
    create vhd
  2. Browse a path and specify a larger size and click OK
  3. Then initialize this disk to GPT or MBR
  4. Create a new partition on it and copy everything to it
    save as another large one

And attach this larger one to the VMware

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