- On step 2, you can drag the handle on the right side or the left side, both handles works the same, the purpose here is to make unallocated space at the head of the bar, the partition at the end, so we can directly type the specific size in the "Unallocated space before" input field
- Step 4, and Step 5, you can use the same method, type the specific size if you want an Integer size of the capacity
- Step 6, all the operations are now pending unless you click the Commit button in the main interface, you may have noticed that there're two kinds of icons in front of each operation in the "Pending operations" section, the "check" icon mean this operation will not reboot the system, while the circle icon does
- 60GB is enough for C Drive for most of us, but feel free to add more if you're a developer
- If you don't know how many partitions should create, simply make a D Drive to store personal stuff, leave C Drive to only system-related files and programs.