To free up C Drive space is always the first operation on seeing low disk space warning on Server 2012, but how to free up space on C Drive? According to system information, we should delete some file on C Drive to free up more space, but the thing is we have no idea what kind of file to delete, it's risky to do the operation in a random way. So there must be many options on how to free up space on C Drive except simply deleting.
Extend Partition is the first option to free up space on C Drive, because data in that partition can stay intact. Since Server Manager in Windows 2012 cannot extend volume in many situations, partition software to extend C Drive should take into consideration. Disk Partition Expert is the partition magic server you are looking for, with which you can extend C Drive in an easy and safe way. There's no need to delete any data on the partition you would like to extend. Keep data safe and make partition extended are the goals of Disk Partition Expert
Steps to Expand C Partition Windows 2012
Like we mentioned above, Server System will ask users to delete files on C Drive if low disk space warning shows up. It might confuse users on seeing the alert first, because the disk space is in large amount, and free space are anywhere but C Drive, why would you warning me that. Can't you just distribute disk space automatically?
Unfortunately, Server 2012 will not distribute disk space automatically if one partition is in low disk space, neither will other Windows Systems do. You can still use other professional programs to manage disk space, Disk Partition Expert is the professional partition magic server manager, it's disaster-protection program inside and fast-speed program in core will competent all the extension job with ease. So next time Disk Partition Expert will satisfy you when you want to resize partition to free up C Drive space on Windows 2012