Windows 10 Disk Partition Advanced operations

by Jane / Tue Feb 13 2018 / UPDATED in PARTITION MAGIC GUIDE

Windows Disk Management is capable of performing some basic disk or partition operations when conditions satisfy, it’s a perfect tool for managing new disk, but it’s not that complete when data is store and partitions need to be managed without data loss, besides, it doesn’t have advanced features like Convert operations like NTFS to FAT32, primary to logical, and MBR to GPT

We’ll list some operations we performed with Partition Expert in Windows 10, and this page is to be updated

Windows 10 has default tools to format a partition to FAT32 from NTFS or other file systems, but most of the time users just don’t want to format and delete anything on the original system, if there’s a way to convert one file system to another without data loss, that’ll be great, since time spend on backing things up and restoring them afterwards are saved.

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Sometimes there is only one partition, C Drive, in new pc or laptop, we need to split one big partition into several partitions. How to split partition, using Diskpart command line, windows disk management, or disk utility? We’ll guide you on how to Split partition in Windows 7, 10 without losing data, using command line diskpart or disk management, or disk utility Partition Expert and Split existing partition or external hard drive without formatting on NTFS primary partition in Windows Server 2012.

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Extend C Drive in Windows 10 is needed after Windows 10 anniversary update, which fixed login freezing bug on August 31, if the patch they released this time cannot make your system boot faster or apps run smooth, then it must be the low disk space issue slows down new Windows 10 performance, it’s time to Extend C Drive in Windows 10.

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Disk sizes are now growing larger and larger on daily use of data storage, partition a large disk is necessary for well file management, but it’s not enough for a disk sized over 2TB in MBR format, you need to convert MBR disk to GPT disk on an over-2tb size disk.

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Erase a Disk in Windows 10 is easier than in Windows 7, the newest Windows System added a function to remove everything in the default tool. Here are the steps to wipe everything in Windows 10 default settings:

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FAT32 and exFAT are the supported file system for Sony PS4, so if you’re now using NTFS in Windows 10, it’s time for the format job or just convert it FAT32 without data loss. There’re many ways to format a hard drive, or external hard drive, we can do it in file explorer, Windows Disk Management, and third-party disk managing software. We’ll guide on each method for your reference.

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