How bad sectors are created?

by Jane / Mon Dec 18 2017 / UPDATED in Disk Surface Test

In the last post we give some info about the definition of bad sectors, this post, we'll share how bad sectors are created. After read through this page, you can download our product, the free and portable Disk Scanner to test if you hard drive has Physical bad sectors or Hard bad sectors or not, besides, the partition manager program Partition Expert is also able to check the Soft bad sectors with the feature 'Surface Test', download and have a try.

  • Non-performing rate: when the disk is in factory and it’s created with bad sectors (both HDD and SSD)
  • long-time service: hard drive with serviced more than 3 years, often used ones may result in bad sectors, five years for not often used one; SSDs with more than 3 years consistently using are more likely to run into bad sectors
  • Improper shutdown of Operating system: Will cause the hard drive’s head to scratch the platter and damage some sectors on magnetic ones
  • Malware: malware with unlimited reading and writing operations to the disk will create bad sectors and damage the disk
  • Viruses: will cause system issues and mess data to not match their error-correction code
  • Suddenly power outage: interrupting data writing process and make system mark these affected sectors as bad

Soft Bad Sectors, logical bad sectors are repairable, while Hard bad sectors are not. In the next post, we’ll share how to repair Soft bad sectors and isolate Hard bad sectors.

With Disk Scanner and Partition Expert you can easily create partition for Bad Sectors.


Also read: Are bad sectors repairable | Can bad sectors spread | How to isolate bad sectors a hard drive